Gold Buckhead Bottle Cap Cuff Links - Alexander Keith Brewery
We acquired a big stash of Alexander Keith Brewery bottle caps, which is located in Canada. These caps feature a buckhead and we thought they would be excellent for upcycling into jewelry designs.
We have both silver and gold background bottle caps (see photos). This listing is for the golden background caps that we've cut from the caps, hand-dapped (see side view of cuff links showing how they are domed), and mounted in raw brass walled bezel cups. How cool is that?! Both are in turn mounted to antique brass cuff link bases.
The bezels are 20mm in diameter and make an excellent size for cuff links!
These are original creations from SureShot Jewelry, so you won't see these anywhere else!
See listing HERE for the silver variation. They are made in 18mm silver walled bezels, so just a tad smaller in diameter.